
Edges or arrows can be used to better highlight certain properties of the diagram. An edge is defined as between two nodes. Nodes are defined on signals and then edges are defined as <start><type><end> [label] in the edge property.

ABCDEabt1cat2cdtime 3deeffgghhisome texthj
{ signal: [
  { name: 'A', wave: '01........0.',  node: '.a........j' },
  { name: 'B', wave: '0.1.......0.',  node: '..b.......i' },
  { name: 'C', wave: '0..1....0...',  node: '...c....h..' },
  { name: 'D', wave: '0...1..0....',  node: '....d..g...' },
  { name: 'E', wave: '0....10.....',  node: '.....ef....' }
  edge: [
    'a~b t1', 'c-~a t2', 'c-~>d time 3', 'd~-e',
    'e~>f', 'f->g', 'g-~>h', 'h~>i some text', 'h~->j'

There are several types of arrows.

~SplineStart and ending horizontal
-~SplineStart horizontal
~-SplineEnding horizontal
-SharpShortest path
+SharpShortest path with bars

For all except the + the < and > can be appended to add arrows at the beginning and the end.