Modeling AES

What will this section cover?

  • Creating a leakage model for AES
  • Implementing a leakage model for AES in Python

In order to make sensible statements about the power usage of AES, we are going to make a leakage model of the AES algorithm. To do this, we need some to determine the optimal memory state to target. When we have determined that state, we are going to implement that leakage model in Python.

Hamming Distance and Hamming Weight

Remember that we covered both the Hamming Distance and Hamming Weight hypotheses of looking at memory-based leakage model in Correlation Power Analysis. In this walkthrough, we are going to go through a software implementation of AES. The .hex file of the algorithm for ChipWhisperer targets can be found here. Since we are using a software implementation, this walkthrough is going to focus on the Hamming Weight-based leakage model.

We can easily calculate Hamming Weight with the following lambda function.

HammingWeightFn = lambda x: bin(x).count('1')

Although it can be worth it to save this to memory, to speed to computation time later on.

# Precompute Hamming Weight
HammingWeight = [ HammingWeightFn(n) for n in range (0x00, 0xff + 1) ] 

Finding a memory state

Suppose we have an input block Input and an output block Output, which is a reasonably common situation. If we wanted to check whether a supposed Key is the key used, we could run through the entire algorithm to check whether \(\text{AES}(Input, Key) = Output\). This is quite inefficient and is no better than brute forcing the key. Knowing what we know about the memory state of AES, we can however do two extreme optimizations.

Shortcutting calculations

The first optimization we can do has to do with identifying the first memory state where the key and the Input are combined. If we can identify this memory state in the power trace, we can determine a probability a certain key was used. There are two problems with this, however. Firstly, identifying the presence or the location of this memory state is non-trivial. It is very difficult to manually look at a power trace and tell something about memory states. This is mostly due to the variances in baseline power consumption but also due to noise and other factors. Some of these factors however can be nullified if we look at multiple power traces instead of one. In order to make it even easier, we also look at different input blocks. This allows us to shortcut calculation time by a lot, since we don't have to do multiple rounds. But we still have to brute force through every key option.

Limiting the amount of keys

If we have done the first optimization, there is another optimization which would lower the amount of possible keys. For the 128 (\(2^{128}\) different keys), 192 (\(2^{192}\) different keys) and 256 (\(2^{256}\) different keys) bits key variants, this leaves just \(2^{12}\), \((3 \cdot 2^{11})\) and \(2^{13}\) key possibilities left, respectively. These are massive differences, which allows us to break AES in just a few seconds.

How does it work? Please read back How AES Works - Shifting for one second and see if you find what we can exploit, when have a value before this step happens. As it mentions this, the step is needed to prevent attacking each column individually. Since we can now produce a value before this step is done. We can attempt to break parts of the key one at the time. The parts of this key are called sub-keys, and they are 1 byte in size. This means we can take the sum of different values for the sub-keys instead of the product.

Putting this together

Let us make a model of the memory states power usage. This model should provide us with a number that should correlate with the power traces at the point of which this first SBox step is done. This leaves us with a longstanding memory state which is dependent on both the key and the input string. Two items we both preferred for our leakage model as explained in Memory-based models. The Python code for performing our model on a single byte input string using a single byte from the key (also called a sub-key) is the following.

def hypothetical_power_usage(subkey, plain_text_char):

    # Use the Hamming Weight power usage model
    return HammingWeight[

        # Do a SBox look up of the XOR-ed value
        # Since the Hamming Weight of the SBox value will
        # persist for longer in memory this will make finding the
        # pattern easier. It is also still before the Row Shifting
        # so it doesn't cause trouble.
        SBox [

            # The initial round key XOR-ed with the plain text
            subkey ^ plain_text_char